I’m worried about the toxic culture i’ve heard about from reed and the lack of diversity. help!

My issue isn’t interesting because that’s not really a point I care about. Read your class readings for interesting, I care more about how interesting Heidegger is than my roommate, so as long as there are interesting classes—which there were, and are in many places—the rest is not relevant.

Diversity would be drawing from a broader economic and racial field than they do. Reed was far too white. Too many private school kids playing radical activist. It would be nice if reed was generally more accessible, they could do away with shit like renn fayre, balls and the student events, the MRC, admin bloat, and other things that drive tuition up needlessly; it’d also be nice to not just have so many rotating visiting and adjunct professors and actually hire someone and get them tenure. Reed student body could protest stuff to actively make reed a more accessible institution like the stuff above but they don’t.

On the other hand, it’d be nice if Reedies just stopped pretending they’re leftist and stopped the level of postuering that goes on in social life. I only bring up those measures because Reedies pretend to be progressives and even radicals, while demanding their private college protect them from the laws that everyone outside of the bubble have to live under (lol at other colleges if they find heroin on you they’d call the fucking cops, but not reed: and yet no one understands that they’ve literally bought their way into a privileged space that places them above the law in many significant ways)….

This is ramblly so sorry, I just love bitching about Reed. Hopefully the point of your question is in there somewhere tho.

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