Man with spondylitis denied mobility device on United Airlines flight

By continuing to bring up his sexuality takes away from his disease. You are posting in the wrong place if you are soliciting LGBT sympathy. This sub is for an autoimmune condition not sexuality.

If you continue to lead off the charge with that mantra then why are you here and not in another forum? His sexuality has no bearing one way or the other in regards to Spondylitis, it's not a discriminating disease. You and the writer are creating an issue by continuing to bring up his sexuality.

A man getting beaten and drug off an airplane is not even in the same ball field as a man being denied a segway. At no point did the writer mention being beaten or drug off the plan, only inconvience.

Which he went on to milk for sympathy from everyone at the cruise and not here on Reddit. It's possible that he may have more merit if his manifesto was written before the other United incident, but at this point it's ambulance chasing and attention grabbing.

I have no sympathy for him when other people with this suffer silently and carry on with life. I have pity that anyone would try to profit from an inconvience.

/r/ankylosingspondylitis Thread Parent Link -