My (22) bf (21) thinks my vagina is gross

Hi, please listen to what I’m saying. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful for or rude about all the support I’m receiving, but a few times now people are telling me things that I’ve had to assure them I’m sure of, or that I’ve already said and they think I’m misunderstanding the situation. This has nothing to do with stigma. I am all for sex and body positivity, but my labia literally gets caught and pulled on during penetrative sex. This can cause tears, which may or may not have happened I’m not sure, but what I am absolutely sure of (as again, it is my body) what I am saying when I say the issue is that the labia is so long/large it is getting caught in the middle of sex. (Not at the beginning, not him doing something wrong in that regard, it gets “sucked” (I guess?) in by the thrusting motion)

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