Well This is…Creepy and Culty

My husband is blind in one eye because he was born with a cataract that wasn’t discovered until he was 3. It’s shaped his whole life and is part of the reason he went into medicine. That being said, a significant reason he noped out of Christianity is because his grandmother (whom he otherwise adores and is fairly universally beloved) told him that being blind in one eye was part of god’s plan. I don’t think she ever told him to be grateful per se but it was heavily implied. Anyway, he figured that a “loving” god that would blind a child in order for them to struggle and build character was a fucking sadist and it was preferable to just skip Christianity all together. Also, Catholicism is a massive pile of hypocrisy and he’d argue one of the most uniquely destructive forces in human history. But the main point is there’s a difference between coming to piece with the shit cards you’ve been given on your own, through genuine introspection, and being socially pressured to shut up and take the pain because it’s gods plan. My husband has come to piece with his unique perspective on the world but he had to reject the moralism of his childhood to get there.

/r/DuggarsSnark Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it