Accept and move towards unity here...

This guy is right.

The Sikhs at the time were just doing their job. The Brits weren't kind colonizers. So it makes sense to think that they'd get their macais to do dirty shit. As for the Chinese guy, the first gen immigrant's priority has always been themselves and their family on the mainland. And God knows wtf the Brits would do to you if you refuse to comply. Or he's just a bad apple.

If it's any consolation, I'm Chinese.

It's frustrating to imagine, that we're thinking "were Chinese evil that back then?" Or "were Sikhs like evil back then?" Dude. In Kingsman, the enemy was a black dude. Do we think of all black people as bad after that? No. (Or maybe we need more local movies lol)

Seriously, anyone who walks away from this movie thinking that "the Chinese are bad" or the "Sikhs are bad", WITHOUT recognizing the hand of the British pushing everyone to do bad things to each other, need to belajar sejarah form 3 and develop critical thinking skills.

The real bad people were the colonizers. Everyone else was just minding their own business until the colonizers came, and f** things up for everyone.

/r/malaysia Thread Link -