Managed to walk away from a 500 foot fall in the backcountry with only some road rash and an ACL tear. Ready to get the op done and crush some PT!

Story: Wanted to ski an easily accessed backcountry couloir before work that I’ve been down before. Was a bit too early in the morning and hit some ice in the shady part. Couldn’t self arrest and slid approximately 500 feet or so into a rock waiting for me at the bottom and cartwheeled 3 times (perfect 10 according to my partner). Somehow stood up but immediately felt my knee give way. After a brief discussion and extreme stubbornness, I decided to boot back up to the vehicle instead of an air evac and hauled ass up some softer snow and rocks.

MRI revealed full ACL tear, most other ligaments partially torn or sprained, small tibial plateau fracture, and large tears in the meniscus - which my surgeon claims are from prior to the accident. Happy to be alive but know it’s a long road to recovery. Heading home next week for the operation since I live in a relatively remote area so I can have a bit more support from family post op. Let’s do this!

Picture of me immediately before falling and the rock I hit at the bottom

Clothing after the ordeal

/r/ACL Thread Link -