Marketing and advertising a campaign when you're not a social person..

OK, I'll work on conveying what I want to accomplish but I'm afraid to lose people with technobabble. I want to make 3d printed prosthetics smarter by adding affordable microcontrollers and electronics to them instead of their current design which is cable-driven. This gives them functionality currently reserved for 10k+ prosthetics, and the electronics I use will be less than 100 bucks. The motors are the most expensive part, I get the micrcontrollers for 3 dollars a piece.

Don't link me to iamverysmart, I have ASD and I'm literal, I meant literally, and nothing else besides the age. When my friends were getting gaming nintendo I was learning how to solder.

I'm not social, I work on computers (my business) and I work on electronics for fun. That's my problem. I have a very modest goal that's easily attainable and I used gofundme because it's a personal thing, I'm not manufacturing a product, it's on my own time I'll build these and work with Enabling the future.

The research I've done on prosthetics is significant, I've been interested in medical technology since I was very young, but it's all self-teaching so I don't mention it because people don't care. If I had to, I could build someone a working myoelectric prosthetic worth 40 thousand dollars. I know how to program a microcontroller to interpret various signals and turn those into mechanical operations, which is how prosthetics work. And I know their entire manufacturing process, down to how they're fitted with the amputation.

I'm going to make a video of my arm muscles controlling some servo's, along with some other things. and I think that will help. I'm also going to work with energy methods not currently being integrated into prosthetics, which is very experimental and I can't make business projects or promises but it could yield amazing results. Even if it means half the batteries, that's less weight and more comfort.

Should I use a different site than gofundme? I'm also struggling with being frustrated, this is such a modest goal, I just need a 3D printer so I can work with a 3D printed prosthetics organization! It's so simple! lol. damn.

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