[Meta] Quick Character Reference 3

Name: Thomas J Hallow

Appearance: Tom is ever the dashing hero. Tall and well built, he has piercing blue eyes and medium length blonde hair, he looks like he came out of a 1930s pulp magazine. He dresses as if he came from that era too, wearing comfortable pants, a medium black coat, boots, and a shirt with a holster ever so hidden under by the folds of his coat. This holster holds a .32 revolver and 12-gauge shotgun. These aren't the only weapons he carries, however, having a combat knife hidden in his pants and a nightstick and Tommy gun hidden in his satchel bag, that seems to carry many personal belongings, as well as his fists that seem to be weapons all on their own.

Personality: His personality fits his appearance perfectly. Charismatic and dashing, he is charming and flirtatious, always quick with a joke or a one-liner and ever at the ready to jump in to save a damsel in distress or fight the forces of evil. However, after a recent week and a bit that consisted of tragic events, he has moments of coolness when facing off against the minions of evil and maybe taking it a bit too far to get the job done. But he is reliable when it comes to doing the right thing... at least he thinks.

Greatest Desire: To either win the heart of his the one that got away, or find someone to rival the one that got away

Greatest Fear: Dying alone


  • Is open to almost anything being possible after having a rather confronting run-in with the Cthulhu Mythos

    • Likes to think he can think of a way out of any situation and has yet to be proven wrong
    • Will risk his own life to save that of an innocents
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