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Basically /u/takeittorcirclejerk[1] is a parrot. He parrots the opinions of people like /u/greenduch[2] other people without any real thought and his ideas and actions are incredibly ill informed.

totally greenduchy this is. oh wait

He's carried these unoriginal opinions over into some absurd campaign against slurs on the internet and likes to give these long lectures to people about what his ideas on social justice are.

cite this

He has no real context or the background to understand the shit he spews but he still feels it's appropriate for a white cis male with very little life experience to lecture others about how horribly awful some silly transmission joke is.

this is such a mishmash of incorrect, dumb assumptions that I don't really know how to respond besides "no"

I've seen him lecture a gay man from a small hick town about why faggot is a 'problematic' word.

cite this

He's defending this racist little shit


and attacking the person who reported him

literally the only "attack" I ever launched on Tunic was in a place you can't even access, unless you're talking about the post I made in SRD. but if that's the post you're talking about, you're making a very dumb point, because "FUCK INTERNET VIGILANTEISM" isn't a personal attack

He understands doxx because he lives on constant fear of being doxxed

this is true, mostly because I regularly get threats of it

thinks he's super duper internet famous or something.


For once in his life he's faced with a conflict he can understand and he immediately throws any semblance of giving a shit about equality or social justice out the window in favor of defending some racist little neckbeard.

this is... not a coherent point. as Eve said above, we're 100% anti-doxxing in all forms. we always have been and always will be. I, personally, am anti-doxxing.

you're reaching.

I think he's just incredibly obtuse and suffers from a severe lack of diversity in his real live.

He's somehow managed to ingratiate himself with the reddit SJW community

most people (apparently besides you) will treat you with respect when you treat them with respect. I do that to Le SJWz.

which means there is no one to call him out on his bullshit. I feel somewhat obligated to point out what a raging fucking hypocrite he is since apparently no one else will do it.

how can you have been around the metasphere for years now and still write this with a straight face?

your rant is shit and you should feel bad for having such dumb ideas. that you even think you know me well enough to write this much about me should be embarrassing.

you are a bit part on a huge website and you'll stay that way because the rant I'm responding to is what passes for an honest thought in /u/geraldo42's brain. take up knitting or something, it'll make you some cash without making you look like a fool in public.

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