Monthly r/Vore Role-Play Partner Finding Thread - December 2022.

Hey there guys, gals, and non-binary pals. I’m like, super bored and could use some prey to keep me company! I’d love to rp with any of you, so DM me if you’re up for the challenge.

Before you do, I should give some guidelines. I’m not into scat, piss, underage, incest, farts, futa, or non-human prey. If you’re only planning to play one prey, I don’t do perma-death, but if you’re planning on playing multiple, I’m sure we can make something work.

I can play as either a human giantess, an anthro, monster, or feral for your pred. My character will be female, just do you know.

I would really appreciate if you could message me first as this account is new and I can’t really DM people yet. Also, please try to come with some plot ideas. And if I ask for your kinks and limits, and you say “I’m into everything” or “I’m fine with whatever”, I’ll be less likely to respond.

Finally, I’m not expecting any essays in terms of responses (god knows I’m tired of reading those after this semester) but try to at least respond with something of substance?

Alright, sorry for rambling. I hope to give some of you a home in my tummy soon! Ciao~

/r/Vore Thread