Being inbred

"By merging dna with people outside their race babies of the future will be healthier, happier and more beautiful!"


How do you know this?

Is this because it's politically correct to say this?

Scientists have found that the more symmetrical a face is, the more beautiful it is judged by people across all cultures around the world. Do mixed-race people have better symmetry? Or do you just want to look cool and say "yaaaa! I love ALL people, and we should all mix until we're just one race!!!!"

Happier? How in the world would you know this? What makes a mixed-race person happier?

Healthier? Why? What evidence do you have for this?

Sorry, I'm all for loving all people and treating everyone with respect, but I'm severely allergic to empty statements that are based on emotion and have no basis in fact.

In any single-race school, or country, people still find ways to sort each other out based on looks and other things, bias and bullying and hate still exist in single-race communities . What makes you think that if they world became one "single race" any of this would end?

Besides, you're saying if we all look the same we'd be better off? How horrible a world would it be if you couldnt enjoy the endless variations of humans to be attracted to or admire or be intrigued by? If everyone looked the same the beauty of humanity would be gone.

You're just all kinds of wrong here.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread