Movie Requests for the week of 4/13/15

Saw Get Hard on my brother's b-day three weeks or so ago because there was nothing else remotely worthwhile we hadn't already seen. It is currently the worst movie I have seen this year. I was expecting it to be crude, offensive, and racist, that was the express purpose of the film. Crude and racist can work in a comedy film, if it's in combination with well-crafted humor. But the movie wasn't even remotely funny, just offensive for no reason at all. It seemed a couple times that they were trying to set up a well-crafted joke, but nope, just racist. It's like the writers are martians who haven't seen any film except Blazing Saddles and then decided all you had to do to write a comedy film is make fun of an entire group of people. All that, then Will Ferrell tries to suck an actual, hard dick, which is shown onscreen. I almost got up an left at that point. Within the first ten minutes, in two separate instances, you see Will Ferrell's naked butt played for laughs, yet Allison Brie plays his wife and you never get to see anything. For the record, boobs are in the film. A butt ugly Nazi chick uses her boobs to block the windshield. The joke was just "Nazi titties!" Yet Alison Brie remains clothed! The most well-crafted, humorous joke in the entire movie was that Will Ferrell hasn't seen Boyz in the Hood, because... Cracker. Everything about the film is either blatant racism or "white people are douchebags." That's racist! I know you might not have much to work with with this movie, there will be a metric butt ton of "That's racist" sins, but I would genuinely find it a heck of a lot more funny than the movie. It's a shame, I'm a fan of Kevin Hart's stand up, and some of the jokes and humor he was involved in were genuinely funny, but he can't seem to pick a good film to be in to save his life.

  1. Five minutes in: Will Ferrell's ass.

  2. "These are the king's titties.": Oh. Come on! You're gonna tease some Alison Brie action, but not gonna give us Alison Brie action? F**k you movie!

  3. I'm gonna teach you to get hard!: roll credits

  4. You gotta get hard! Come on, get hard!: Please for the love of God, roll credits!

/r/CinemaSins Thread