Moving to Toowoomba info on suburbs

It's great to raise young kids. But once they get into mid-late teens, it's awful.
I was born and raised here, and I moved to Brisbane at 20. 80% of my friends left Toowoomba between 18-21, because there was nothing to do, no options outside regular garden variety jobs, not much education wise.
It's way, WAY worse now.
At least when I was in my late teens/early 20s we had pubs and a live music scene. USQ was reasonably vibrant. All that's gone now, the uni is mostly external students and the live music scene is non existent . It's sad.
I have a 15 and 17 yo, they were born in Brisbane and been living here since they were 10. They're planning to flee back to Brisbane to live with their dad as soon as they finish school and I completely get it. As soon as they finish school me and my husband are moving back to his hometown of Melbourne.

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