Mr. Underwood won’t stand for that!

Same, I just find the trend of bringing abortion into the vaccine argument exhausting, mostly because it’s being leveraged as a means of political posturing since vaccine mandates are also incredibly political. Republicans are often associated with being pro-life (protect the baby so it’s not your body your choice) and yet are also overwhelming anti-vaccine mandate (my body my choice). This tees up convenient claims of hypocrisy and it’s a talking point that is being regurgitated a lot now. What’s ironic, and what makes it a dumb argument, is that democrats are often associated with being pro-choice (my body my choice) and yet are also overwhelmingly more supportive of vaccine mandates (protect others so not your body your choice), which is equally wildly hypocritical. It’s always nice to hear people that don’t fit neatly in the above boxes (as I also do not being republican AND pro-choice) but most people using abortion as a way to criticize someone’s vaccine stance are hypocrites too. Wish people just respected we can agree to disagree - on abortion, vaccines, or whatever.

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