Multiple Play Throughs (Possible Spoilers)

If anyone reads this and is interested I already did a second play through. In the first one I ended with three survivors by making the following decisions:

Matt was killed by being impaled on a hook after trying to help Emily, Ashley was killed by letting the Wendigo in through the latched door, Josh was killed by the Wendigo because they didn't recognize each other, Jessica was killed trying to run away in the mines, and Mike was killed in the final explosion set off by Sam. Sam, Emily, and Chris survived.

In my second play through I made a point to have everyone survive so that I could see all the untold futures I originally missed. It went like this.

Matt didn't help Emily, but we don't see him again until the final chapter anyway, along with Jessica. Jessica catches up with Matt and they hide together in the mines to escape death. Ashley stayed with the group and escapes with them in the house explosion. Mike also escapes in the same scene. Josh's survival is shown in a 15 second cut scene at the end of the credits in which he is becoming a Wendigo after succumbing to cannibalism after being trapped in the mines.

All in all we're talking about very minor details; maybe five minutes worth of differences. The credit conversations by the characters don't seem to change regardless of who else died and who survived. The butterfly effect only extends to character deaths and doesn't have an effect on the end result of the game. For example, if I change just one choice, such as having Chris shoot Ashley, thus losing her trust and not convincing her to open the door for him when he is being chased by the Wendigo, he would die. All that would change at the end is Chris not escaping with everyone in the house explosion and not having a monologue scene in the credits.

Still a crazy fun game, especially on your first run. However, the replay value can be likened almost exactly to a Quantic Dream title; it is a choose your own adventure but all paths lead to practically the same ending. Nothing wildly innovative here.

/r/untildawn Thread