My first real estate video

It’s really not a bad attempt. You have some nice camera work but it feels like you are missing the point of what this video should be accomplishing. You have like 12 shots of the front of the house when 3 would suffice. Once we get to the inside there is so much time spent on things that don’t matter, like why are we looking at that dining room table for 30 seconds of this video from every possible angle, and then almost missing every other area of the house. It feels like the kitchen was just in your way to show that table off. If you got rid of most of the shots of the table and the exterior you would have a very decent video on your hands. Obviously there are some rough edges that need to be worked out and other people have made some great points here. I will also say I like the speed ramping that you used. I think you just need to watch more videos from other people and keep comparing what you create to what other people are doing.

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