Democrats’ midterm momentum isn’t slowing

They’ve accomplished so much. They have a second round of PPP to rich people and made it 100% tax free. Their 3 rounds of stimulus and cronyism directly caused a lot of the inflation we feel now, they gave lawyers and MBAs 10k in loan relief while blue collar folks got a middle finger. Income equality has exploded, rich keep getting richer and the Dems protect them. They only throw pittance at the lower classes. Protect the establishment is what they do.

Did they raise taxes on the upper class? Nope. Carried internet loophole closed? Nope. Did they fix the abused 501(c) charities? Nope. Did they fix trusts and inheritance and all those laws that protect generational wealth? Nope. They make it easier to start a business? Nope. Did they fix forced arbitration? Nope.

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