my friends' clips have weird buffers on them

Heya, looks like this clip has been deleted.

Can you have your friend make a ticket for us at with another clip so we can see what's going on? Let's have them send their recorder logs in as well:

Step 1: turn on Development Mode in Settings > System > Advanced Settings then try clipping your game.

Step 2: Click on the ? icon to get to Help & Support

From here, you can send us your logs from Medal. Click on Scan Logs and Medal will find the latest 5 logs.


Step 3: Press the Attach A Message button and in the text box below the logs, please type a small summary of your issue and include your Reddit username so we know it's you.


Next, select Send Recent Logs, and they will go straight to a developer to investigate. 

Let me know when you have sent your logs!

/r/MedalTV Thread