FREAKOUT FRIDAYS (Weekly Rant Thread)

Dude for real hopefully this won't be long.

Wtf happened to the gym and the fitness industry?

I can't stand the amount of people nowadays and to make it worse it's a bunch of social norm following normies. Everytime I go to the gym the 1st thing I see is legit so many people looking at their phones and I'll be honest it's a lot of guys but mostly girls do it. It's so freaking sad dude. Not to mention they take 10 minute rest breaks and it's freaking bothersome. I just want to work out and be motivated by other people around me but how is that suppose to even happen anymore? Like I was doing a set on bench and I noticed this guy had been on his phone for the past 5 or so minutes and after I finished my set I look up and see him staring at me and when he sees me notice he looks away like shit guys can we just bring old school hard lifting back?

This one pisses me off the most, I was on Instagram the other day and I saw my people posting on Instagram and in the picture they set their location on my gym and this one girl... This one fake ass lying prick had the audacity to say something on the lines of this: "had the most intense workout ever just like all my workouts are. I've been grinding everyday." I see this dumbass half the time and she is on her phone 24/7 like its so stupid dude.

To everyone out there that just lifts and minds their own business old school style. I commend you.

/r/bodybuilding Thread