My name is Hank Schrader aka ASAC Schrader, I am a DEA agentandand I actievly investigate a case about my brother-in-law. Walter W. is a serial killer and have commited one of the biggest war crimes against this subreddit. If you want to catch this bastard then give me any information you have.

/ur I edited my earlier comment at the end just in case. I sincerely hope that you don't think I'm being genuine. This is an okbuddy subreddit and while too many people often use the prospects of "irony" and "sarcasm" as a thin veil to hide behind for the sake of their bigoted and problematic beliefs, only just for them to pass it off as nothing but a mere "joke" when they are actually confronted about it. "Schrodinger's Douchbag" people would call that type of behavior. Just please know I don't actually mean what I say.

Obviously the actions of these characters are deplorable, even the respective shows that these characters hail from show them not being in the right. It can be hard to differentiate between what people genuinely believe and don't, both in real life and especially on the internet. Even more so on subreddits like these where it's practically nothing but chicanery and ironic memes and satire intending to mock and imitate the certain types of audiences who actually do genuinely think and would even behave this way. Take r/okbuddychicanery, r/gamingcirclejerk and even this subreddit as examples. At least that's their intended goal but more often than not, it's usually just the outcome of certain assholes being a said Schrodinger's Douchbag.

I was trying to make it seem that way in my earlier comment and in my wording and use of emojis that I don't support Walter. I even tried to draw a parallel to Walter and Eren by outright stretching and inverting the truth and passing off that their actions and morals were just and how they were both in the right just because how these two were always claiming to do what they did for the sake of others rather than the fact that they did what they ultimately did mainly for themselves in the end. The same excuse and justification that way too many people sincerely believe and use to say they were always in the right.

But unfortunately I've clearly missed the mark. Both these shows deal with heavy themes and topics and like I said, far too many people out there actually agree and downright support with the said themes and actions of which both these shows are trying to admonish and show as downright despicable.

I'm sorry if I genuinely upset you, and I really do sincerely hope you didn't think I was praising this bastard. I'm not the most eloquently spoken, so if it does seem that I was being sincere earlier and praising the actions of Walter and characters like them, then I'm sorry.

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