AITA For wanting my GF to pay me for staying home with our son while she goes to work

He's mad that he has to take time off, and doesn't want to. So, I don't think he should take days off. I think they should both pay for a babysitter.

And I think it should be proportional to income. Since she doesn't want to pay him. Maybe it will change her mind, and maybe she will like the babysitter better. Who knows.

I was just saying that I can understand why she feels like she already has a target on her back. So many companies make it seem like maternity is like a three-month vacation, and I know so many women who take maternity come back and the kid gets sick, and have heard people say, she just got back from maternity, why didn't she handle this then...Ah maybe because the kid is sick now. .. like she got paid to just sleep all day, why is she always tired... oh leaving early.. oh just at the end of the work day have to pick up my kid from daycare.. oh before you had your kid you use to stay until sundown... she's not as focused as she used to be... mommy brain I guess.

I guess I can understand why, right now she just doesn't want to give anyone ammo before annual reviews and bonuses in december. But that's just my bias.

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