Is my squat form okay?

If that's the most mobility you have , it's fine. your range of motion is very limited if that's the most you can do with good form. However, you are bending forward too much. Try to stretch out a little. The garland pose (google it) is great to stretch out your hips and get a deeper squat. I'd start incorporating yoga and/or stretching into your routine (possibly even more than actual work outs, at least in the beginning, to gain more range of motion). It will help you get a better form because it will increase your range of motion. Jeff nipard has a "how to get a huge squat with perfect technique" video on YouTube which could help. Your squat isn't bad, it's good that you keep your back straight the whole time, just don't bend forward so much and try to get deeper but not at the sacrifice of form. Keep working on it and you'll get much better in no time.

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