Mybustersword explains white privilege succinctly and provides solid examples

I have a good friend who enjoys the "privilege" of being tall, blonde with blue eyes in China. He is always treated as special, superior class, more pay, gets jobs easier, easier with opposite sex, no entry fees on clubs, etc., and it always baffles me how he denies there is any white privilege for him. I mean, he does not even speak Chinese and barely any speaks any English at all, and has been able to survive there for a decade (and get married) because people want to do stuff for him.

The rest of us non-white looking inmigrants often have to speak 4 languages in order to get a job that pays 70% what he can earn, get a University degree, and are set higher expectations in general.

I'd say if you are white and don't believe there is any sort of white privilege, just move to Asia.

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