Mysterious Mysteries


Slowly Rei closes her eyes, the darkness closing in on her. Silence fills the void around her, tension thick in the air, you could cut it with a knife. Her teeth dig into her lower lip, how could she make such a choice? Slowly her nails tap against the desk, a slow rhythm, copying the beat of her heart. To be hidden and safe, in one way it was just another form of being strong, to find out information, to be able to hunt without being seen. Yet, it was also helpless, hidden and safe, at what cost, with your friends dying around you that wouldn't be her concern. She'd seen enough in only her 14 years to know that hidden and safe wasn't good, not when she had friends, not when the world was as dangerous as it is.

She had been hidden and safe when her father had died.

She'd hid behind the rocks, knowing that he was dying to save her, she hadn't been strong enough to even try to help, if she was strong, even at a cost of being uncontrollable, then she could do it right? She'd have been able to save her dad, to help the people on Anvard, to even save Sia. She had friends, strong friends, they'd back her up, help protect her, and stop her from doing anything wrong right.

The red-headed girls eyes slowly open, a small smile on her face, "No cackle, old man, you think you make choice hard for Rei?" She shakes her head, she would have to get stronger, have to defend her friends, that was her right, whatever the cost, if she had to then she would do it.

"Being hidden and safe, I never protect friends that way, I need be stronger, everything have cost, no matter what, I lose control before, I can learn to control, always can." Slowly she moves her hand to the strong and uncontrollable box, "I have chosen."

/r/GLRP_EastBlue Thread Parent