The Nano-b Charcoal&Gold Antibacterial Toothbrush

I assume that you're in the marketing/sales team and likely aren't a practising dentist, sp please correct me if I'm wrong, but let me tell you a story.

Rewind the clock 11 years ago. I'm just turning 20 and my parents work-benefits / insurance no longer covers me since I'm out of school, and over 18 years old. I stop going to the dentist, since I no longer can afford it, however I keep up brushing once a day with an Oral-B electric toothbrush, using mouthwash, and not flossing.

I'm in post secondary education for most of my 20s, and land a job when I'm reaching my 30s, which has a 6 month waiting period from hire before benefits kick in, and one of them covers dental up to $2000 / year. I'm having some tooth pain, so I decide to take it up and visit the dentist. At this point, it's been just over 10 years since my last visit.

I tell the receptionist of a local dental practise that it's been ten years since I last visited, and she said that she'll book a double for an extensive cleaning and x-rays and all that. I go in a few days later and there's 3 mini-dentists there, I'm sorry, I don't know what their professionally called, but they usually do cleaning and what not.

The first girl looks in my mouth, and then looks at her colleagues, gets up and walks away, and out of the office. The second sits down and looks worried, looks in my mouth and starts laughing. She gets up and walks to the other side as the third sits down and looks strangely at me. She asks me if I'm the guy who hasn't been at the dentist for 10 years and I confirm that that is the case.

The dentist comes in, visibly upset that the first girl interrupted him with a different patient, but he sits down and looks in my mouth, and then starts berating me saying I lied to him about not coming to the dentist in 10 years, and starts bitching that he had to hire a new mini-dentist girl just for me and then storms out.

Turns out, my teeth were that of an average equivalent patient who brushes twice a day, uses mouthwash and flosses regularly, and visits twice a year.

TL;DR: Why should I buy yours, after reading the promo material on your site?

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