Christian Woman Sentenced to Death in Pakistan for Using Muslims' Cup: A Pakistani Christian woman is facing a death sentence for drinking water out of the same cup used by her Muslim co-workers.

Except for the Asoka part, all you did was tell me that I what I was saying is wrong without providing any basis to support it. In some parts you even copied my words and said them as yours. You honestly are a lunatic in the clinical sense of the word. I've read your comment history and it's pretty easy to understand that you're insane. Off course since you are crazy, you will not accept that you are insane and rather, your reply to me will just be you telling me how you've also ready my comments and vaguely tell me that you have also deduced that somehow I am also all the things I just pointed out you are. Oh btw, I have taken a college course on Indian History. Something you probably can't say since you've probably never left the darken dungeon that is your parent's small, unoccupied room. You're not some 14 year old on summer break like most hateful bigots on Reddit, it's clear you're some older person with some deep personal issues, few social interactions besides your cult meetings you have via Skype probably with your fellow bigoted lunatics. Those are probably your only "friends" too. I wouldn't at all be surprised if you have also been extremely cruel to animals as well including brutally killing some to take out your anger while pretending that those poor animals are Muslims, or Jews, or immigrants, or some other people you hate. That's just behavior lunatics like you engage in.

Honestly what I just wrote above sounds demented but in all seriousness, based on your comment history I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is all true. That's how crazy you come across.

Also, this is a weird comment so I'm going to delete it soon so I never have to be reminded of the lunatic I encountered on Reddit.

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