Narcissists don't really process things in their head the way you think they do.

I'm trying to imitate neurotypical people/societal standards when in public. I'm always assessing the situation and how to control it but trying to actively choose not to act 100% solely for my benefit. It's hard to do when doing relationship building.

So when analyzing a situation, I try to remove myself from the equation when coming to a decision. This helps because "me" isn't a factor anymore. So I can then manipulate the situation to better someone else.

I much prefer to stay at home though with no contact. Humans are intense creatures and very emotional.

I perceive these actions to improve whoever I'm interacting with. In reality, I couldn't care less. But if I say "oh I really like your hair" or shoes or whatever. It could brighten their day and increase their perception of me (so I guess that's a benefit?). I can't force myself to feel emotion, but I can force myself to do "nice" things which improve others days by altering how I perceive the interaction

/r/empathy Thread Parent