Need advice

You are trying to make a pig into a sheep. It’s not possible. Unless his pig nature would die. And a sheep nature be born in him. Christianity runs parallel with the rest of nature. (It compliments nature. “Unless a corn of wheat go into the ground and die it abides alone, but if it die it brings forth much fruit”. Jesus thought the principle of botany life. IT REQUIRED DEATH FOR THAT SEED TO LIVE AND BECOME GLORIOUS. Same with humans. Your husband desires that alc like a pig loves slop. It is an inherit nature. The only way to fix that is for the nature to become different. Your religion doesn’t promote that. God will not hold him accountable. Because he is unable to recognize this principle. Divine promises are governed by divine laws. The most powerful force in the world is love. Real religion is love. Don’t nag him. It’s not effective. And is like trying to get water to boil by hitting it. Work according to nature. To boil water requires heat. To get him to quit alcohol. Make him his best food. And pray for him. An atmosphere of love will alter nature. A woman was taken out of man, the two are one. Harmony. Love. Fellowship. So because you are one….you being sweet and kind and having God in mind by adhering to a sanctified life. (No alcohol). Because you are one. He is sanctified by you. Is Christian teaching. The key is love. Fellowship, union. Mutual understanding. Not condemning.

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