Need help finding rap music I can enjoy.

You like what you like and I'm not hating on that, but the rationalization you give here is weak. And you don't make any valid distinctions.

You contradict yourself pretty hard when you say you don't like G rap because you can't relate to the content, then go ahead and say you like other artists that you cant relate to.

Music is mostly subjective, and rap is no more about relating to lyrical content than any other genre, pretty ignorant thing to say, completely stupid when you assert it as objective fact.

"songs that are just a contest as to how fast the artist can say a paragraph" this is your interpretation, very few tracks are purely demonstrations of how fast an MC can rhyme. Eminem's recent tracks all have a fast tempo delivery and his early work ranges from trailer trash rap to horrorcore - always heavy on witt and humour, very little of it has positive content.

What you are looking for is commonly referred to as CONCIOUS RAP but I think disney rap is a more appropriate label. Here are some suggestions: BLACKSTAR. Check this If you can handle monotone J5

G rap is not just about money, drugs and ho's. The content is just less overt, once you put your bias aside and interoperate the positive aspects of the lyrical content - it is about attitude, putting yourself first, not giving a fuck about other people's judgements. Most importantly it puts all the bullshit aside and delivers HONESTY. That which is really valued in a capitalist society: strength, confidence, success, value, attractive women, possessions. If you can't interoperate that, I understand. But if you cant relate to that, then you're a massive pussy who is living in a fucking disney dream world.

Gangster rap will change your life, if you let it.

/r/rap Thread