I need your help to update the Stage vs Hero Acquisition table!

I do. The option to do that inside of the calculator sheet wouldn't show up for some reason.

As long as you're still ok with it, I believe I have everything ready. I have 2230-2235 diamonds. I'm never sure whether it's best to keep this stockpile or if I should just go 100 at a time for a Guardian Shield for upcoming tourneys. I'd be glad to hear a suggestion on that front too. So, here's the info I have presently. If there's other categories, I can get that info in short order.

Hero Levels for latest upcoming prestige Weapons List Customizations Owned at Present Artifacts Owned and their levels Present Number of Relics to spend upon Prestige- 92,790

I plan to time my next run and figure out what's the best course of action: hit near my wall which hovers in the high 2600s to mid 2700s or to get to 2605/thereabouts and prestige sooner or cut down to 2400s to squeeze more prestiges still. But again, not needed for this endeavor except tangentially maybe.

I don't know your time zone or location but I'll take the help whenever you can in light of how long it took to get this response to you. The only thing that might change between now and then is the hero levels and number of relics given I'll be prestiging. Just keep these hero levels for the purpose of checking and the relic change shouldn't be too bad I hope. If it is, just assume it will be in the 160-170k range if needed. I won't spend any until I can get your advice.

If you'd like me to give you stage numbers once a week to see how succeeding prestiges effect the speed with which one can hit the acquisition of characters, I wouldn't mind using the time for one prestige to check. No quid pro quo or anything. Just very appreciative that you've been willing to accomodate this far.

Thank you again.

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