Neville was very wise, but is philosophy was not inerrant, and people need to stop pretending it is

I just found this sub, this is a fun one. I'll start off by asking, are you doing okay? This post contains a lot of what seems like anger or at least irritation at this subject.

You've most likely read some of Neville and based on your post history you tried it for an SP. I subscribe to what Neville says entirely but I didn't stop at learning about this subject just based on what he said. I went further with other teachers on similar and opposite subjects to see what all this meant. You can read some posts on other subs where they say "stick to Neville". Yeah, not doing that.

By means of creating this "reality" it's entirely subjective. It is an outlandish claim, but I can say from experience it's true. The stars and galaxies around us were here before us, that's what we're told. What we can see with our eyes, etc. I've always thought those people that talk about past lives are false because I personally have no recollection of what came before me. I just know I'm here and life doesn't have to suck. History may or may not be fake, there's no way of knowing really. It's the same with science, they say something is definitely fact and the next day something else is better or debunks it. Something Neville and the lot are adamant about is "everyone is you pushed out", we're all the same essentially without Neville's teachings. We're all the same with it, either way it'd be very lonely to get rid of everyone just to satisfy the "I'm right" mindset. I'm not saying that's where you were going with it. We're all individualized as people and have our own thoughts, we can influence each other though. You know, monkey see monkey do. With the teachings you can influence others and bring them things they otherwise wouldn't get or do. That's harder to do than you'd think, it takes a lot of practice. One could also probably assume a reality where everyone agrees with them, where's the fun in that? I love having debates with people on subjects like this. The law is something that's hard to understand, it takes experimentation to figure out the finer details. I didn't agree or tried a lot of what people on these subs said and a lot didn't work. I had to find it out for myself, there's a lot of misinformation.

Why would a god pretend to be human? Maybe, because he was bored and wanted something different or he loved us so much he became us. A view that might be relatable is, you can finish a book or game and then do nothing. Are you satisfied with the nothing? Chances are you'll find something else that's new or different because you're bored. We seek entertainment, my guess it God is the same. The quote from the bible is "he made us in his image", probably literally.

True that some of Neville's followers are like that, like parrots just repeating a word because they either want to believe it or it makes them feel good. That or they want to feel superior, could be hearsay. I don't know. It's true you have to use logic in these things but logic is very loose in a sense. Once you get some evidence that the law of assumption works, then you can't really deny that. There are failures of course, Neville even says that. He had numerous. One thing that Neville says is use the golden rule, I've messed with people's lives and just had fun with it as an experiment. It worked.

It's not "just the way things are". You can be as specific as possible and it can happen that way or as general as possible and get a surprise. I've done both, it's exciting.

God is indifferent. Quote "he acts just as swiftly when your desire is good, evil, or indifferent." God in that framework, isn't evil or good. Just neutral with the ability to do these things. A good question to ask yourself is "do I have my best interest?" This power is about what YOU want, not what some other being wants. With the interval of time, would you want everything right away or would you rather some amount of time in between? I say, the build up is exciting and once it shows up the taste of victory is even sweeter.

The use of the word "law" in this sense probably means a fixed idea, just like gravity is fixed for this planet. Our laws in the world of civilization aren't fixed. They can change overtime or with enough pressure.

Parallel worlds is a fun idea, but as you said ours is probably non-linear. The way I view it is, there are an infinite amount of choices but only one of me. I use the two cups method as my go to, it makes sense to me that you're just manipulating the world to bring you something. Not actually switching reality.

With all the fantasy things, from what I've found about people is they don't actually want things like that. One thing that irked me in the reality shifting community is going to Hogwarts. Yeah, you don't actually want that. Most likely they want a relief from whatever is ailing them.

Yeah we're human, but being human is nice. Who said doing the mundane carnal stuff was pathetic? I probably have a more optimistic view of things but I really like sex and food. Pissing and shitting, pleasurable. I also haven't done the exploring the cosmos or fixing the world deal, mainly because I don't care. There is evil in the world but there's also evil in me. I would say Neville probably felt the same, he said don't get involved. Leave those things to Cesar. Create your life.

If I left something out or I wasn't clear I'll respond accordingly, I tried to hit every one of your points. I really hope I didn't talk down to you, I don't think I did. You make some good points, I've repeatedly said this in numerous comments that these subs are toxic. I would like you to not give up on Neville and his teachings, they help a lot. I feel there are those that skew his words and are utterly ignorant about it. I've had a few people pm me and I feel they're satisfied with my answers, feel free to do that. As with anyone that reads this, feel free to do the same. I eagerly await your response!

/r/NevilleGoddard2 Thread