New malicious scripts are being used and passed around. Bricking your saves, killing your bosses, and more. If you don’t know how to protect yourself, take a look at this.

I understand why they're doing it. I've been banned twice now (meaning that I can no longer appeal it) due to some overzealous and uninformed CE usage. I wasn't a victim, but my point is that it's way too easy to get your account banned. anyone with the motivation can easily learn how to completely ruin another person's saves. it's quite easy and I'm not talking about the shadow realm script whicheck is easy enough to get out of but stuff like killing your bosses or modifying your equipment is very easy to learn how to do. you would never even know that it occurred. fromsoft removed family sharing, so they might as well be advocating this. and for people backing up their saves, that doesn't do anything. you're wasting your time. if your account gets flagged by the system, it's an online thing. it doesn't matter if you back up your save before a ban wave. I'm telling you from experience.

these guys are probably salty at fromsoft for their bullshit policies on handling online bans. if everyone plays on the banned server, then there's not really a banned server. however admittedly the pvp on banned servers is quite unpredictable.

oh yeah one more thing. blue sentinel won't protect you from these guys. it'll only protect you from dudes with already active scripts invading your world. but most people using cheats will have everything on a hotkey anyway so it's useless. there is literally nothing you can do to protect your account, this is all misinformation.

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