Not sure why I'm posting this but I feel so alone, I'm not sure what to do anymore and I want to give up at this point. Feeling at one of my all time lows

Wow, man. 13, huh? I remember when I was 13. The largest problem I had was beating the monster on my PS1 Crash Bandicoot game, haha. This is not me treating you like a child, i'm just remarking on the change in generations.

I probably wont say what everyone's saying about how it must be hard, or that you'll be in my prayers. I'll be honest, i'll probably forget to pray for you, because i'm kind of already busy praying for myself and my family, so I apologize.

I was in a similar situation to yours. But dang, I think I was, what? 17? Yeah. I'm from Egypt and I always lived pretty far away from the capital, Cairo, so the only place I hung out with my friends was school, I rarely went out with them. I tried finding any chance to hang out with my friends, I could already drive, know places..etc. I was always a very independent person Alhamdulillah, I could know the vilest of people and never be affected by their behavior. I knew people who watched porn, did drugs, hung out with girls, but Alhamdulillah, It never rubbed off on me and i tried my best to advise them, but anyways.

I had this friend who got into a lot of fights and one time, he got beat up so badly that they broke his ribs, nose and caused him internal bleeding. The reason for that was because HE ALSO beat up a brother of one of the guys who beat him up. He beat him up so bad that he was sent to the hospital and he could die.

I visited him numerous times to check up on him and keep him company (his parents were divorced and he had no siblings). One day, he tells me about the guy he beat up and how his brother called my friend and told him if you don't pay me 10,000 pounds, i'll kill you if my brother dies. He was basically asking for premature blood money, lol. My friend went to all his best friends (I never considered him a best friend and neither did he, consider me one) and asked for some semblance of the money as a loan, but no one helped him. Everyone had their problems, you know and that's fair. I told my parents about his situation, they told me to bring him to the house. I did, they gave him a lecture, we laughed and we talked and mother ended up giving him the money and he promised to return it soon. Fast forward a few months later and not a peep from him. Not about returning the money, not about thanks, not about updating us on his situation, since we're involved now. Nothing. I found out that he did indeed pay the guy and he got out of that problem, so I give him a call, telling him lets hang out. Nope, i'm busy. Alright, a few days later, hang out? Nope, busy. It's like we didn't even know each other.

I'm not telling you this to brag, i'm telling you this so you can find self worth. No one is gonna make you feel that you're worth a thousand bucks. Sure, it's fine to want friends and companionship, but, man, you're still so young and you'v got life a ahead of ya. It's sooooo early to be saying stuff like "i'm trash, i'm a parasite". Come now. Make some new friends, if you can't or don't want, find a hobby. Pour all your energy into that hobby, do it for fun. People are not going to be there 100% of the time for you. The only people who will be there 100% of the time are your immediate family, no one else. And even sometimes your family may not be 100% there for you. That's life, man. I hope it gets better for you insha'allah.

/r/islam Thread