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Be careful using the electrics with your car charger unless you have a specific 12v plug & super strong battery. I’ve heard/seen horror stories all the way from blown fuses to fires.

Electricity free tips. Walmart has these $5 cooler insulated totes. Walmart quart freezer bags. Buy a precooked food or something mixable like ramen or mashed potatoes. Starbucks will give you hot water for free (most up to 4 a day). I try to always tip them as much as I can afford; usually about $1. Then, mix your food right in the baggies. Or, if it’s heatable, double bag sealing your food inside & filling the outer baggie with water. Place in insulated bag as long as needed.

You can also heat items on your dash via defrost with some foil. Just make sure to seal it well so it doesn’t leak & don’t totally block your vents. If you build a little insulation - like a window foil shade - over it, it will actually get super hot. Toxic fumes may happen, though, from heating things that shouldn’t be heated.

I looked into lunchbox cookers & they look awesome if you have a vehicle than can handle it. I’m in a very small car so that isn’t an option for me. It is nice to know I can occasionally have hot food, though, as I didn’t figure this out until well into my first year.

For storing food, I recommend the little shoebox or barely larger clear tubs at Walmart. Make sure everything as sealed as your car will become an attractive space to critters if there’s any food available to munch. I miss regular food & fresh fruits & veggies but you can still eat well from a car.

Best of luck to you and hope you get all you need soon!!

/r/RandomKindness Thread Parent