Buzzfeed being hypocritical again

He unironically thinks Trump is worse than Hitler. Also that, Trump is the worst criminal in human history. You can read an article about his hypocrisy here. While I hate Trump, and I'm an environmentalist and a social democrat, statements like these are bullshit, and I believe that anarchism is a dumb ideology. He believed in the "just-unjust" hierarchy distinction and he's the sole reason for the popularity of the concept. This is, quite obviously, a dumb concept. Every ideology considers it's hierarchies justified and the whole "just hierarchy" business allows authoritarians to integrate authoritarian ideas into anarchism. It's ridiculous and makes little to no sense. The reason why he created that distinction is because he conflates authority with force. According to him, if you stop a child from getting hit by a car, you have authority over that child. This is false, do you have the right to do whatever you want with that child? No. Can you order them and compel them to do your bidding? No. All you've done is use force; force does not constitute authority. But at the same time, I do admire him, he is a well-articulated, well-read and intelligent speaker.

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