Ohhhhhh GAWD

Okay so I will comment on this, because I actually think this is worthy of a discussion and the thought that people like (and even subscribe) to this subreddit it is intriguing to me.

I get the comment of /u/da_sechzga ("Too much reality? [...]") and it actually is a pretty good point. The people that have access to so much information through the internet, also do not have to deal with the reality of life - death!

That's why I think liveleak, similar websites, and subreddits about death (like /r/watchpeopledie) are actually a "good" part of the internet, which I think is a pretty good contrast that keeps us unaffected first-worlders a bit more seated in reality. I put that into parentheses, because I personally do not like this subreddit or get any enjoyment out of watching liveleak videos. I do watch some from time to time, but it's more about telling myself "yes. People die! This is nature and it's not pretty!"

I think these websites and subbredits have a right to exist and it is good that they do. I would not want them censored!

That being said, I personally think it is sickening that this subreddit is called SexyAbortions. I also would want nothing to do with people who think this is something that they want to indulge in. If this is about reality, why sexualize it? It basically means there are people out there with a sexual fetish of aborted fetuses - which is disgusting for me.

I do not think this meta-post should be downvoted (or even removed). I think it should be expanded on. I would love to learn about why this is actually a thing. Is it the jolt back to reality you get from it, like I pointed out earlier with liveleak? Is it because you are actually sexually attracted to this kind of thing?

/r/SexyAbortions Thread