Olive Garden Prom, Steak-Umm Literary Theory 4.24.20

The anti-billionaire rants are so stale. We get it, billionaires suck, they could do more.. WE FUCKING GET IT. No one on this podcast has the ability to change that, because as we all know and as you all have admitted, this IS a second rate podcast(not then, but now). Furthermore, that message/battle cry will only reach the ears of others in this echo chamber because you all have alienated anyone who would prefer a more civil approach to change. This revolution can’t be lead by petulant children crying about everything and horny for more “sick burns.” This is a parody of progression. People’s lives are actually at stake, and these extremely important/sensitive issues get denigrated because the opposition mischievously paint people like y’all as the leaders of the progressive movement. We need change, and change will come, but this dumb shit is going to seriously prolong the arrival of that change.

/r/thedailyzeitgeist Thread