On Ben Kuchera's "break"

I don't think many people hold the opinion that Party Babyz is a better game than God Hand and can keep a straight face.

That's not at all what I was saying, and it says a lot that this is the only perspective you keep seeing.

Literally no one is saying Party Babyz is a better game than Godhand. Not even IGN. Again, those two reviews were written by two different people. They had completely different gauges of quality in mind. To the reviewer or Party Babyz, he believes it accomplished what it set out to do, for the most part. To the reviewer of Godhand, he hated it. These two opinions do not somehow correlate.

I don't know where do you get your data. Resident Evil 5, Capcom's best selling game of all time, has sold 6.7 million units from 2009 to 2014. So yeah, I'm calling bullshit on that.

I don't even know what you're calling bullshit on. Again, look at what Capcom did to the Resident Evil franchise. They wanted 6.7 million in the first month. That's why they did what they did with 5 and 6. That's why they moved away from DMC4 and made DmC. That's why Lost Planet 3 was made by a western developer. That's why when none of these attempts to swing at the fences succeeded, they lowered expectations and started focusing on subsidized console exclusives with Dead Rising 3 and Street Fighter 5.

Which goes against the original statement that critics know better

Wait, what? That's what you got out of that WP article? No one is saying that. She was saying that when reviewers play something that's fresh and unique, they tend to like it better than all the massive amount of games that play it safe.

So the reviews aren't aimed at people who care so much about videogames that would go to their websites to read the reviews, but instead are aimed at casuals that don't go to gaming sites and don't read reviews?

No, they're aimed at people who are interested in hearing another person's opinion on the game. Why would you think I mean ALL HARDCORE GAMERS or ALL CASUAL GAMERS... Gaming isn't a binary construct.

I was saying the people who were outraged over the DmC had already made their mind up on the game, so when they saw people who weren't them liking the game, they blew up.

then they dare to blame the fans for not buying it[1] ? It's like making a game aimed at an audience, insult said audience and aim for a new and different audience that will probably not buy your game: a recipe for failure.

Yeah, how dare he. How dare he point out how rabid and ridiculous gamers acted over a remake. Why doesn't he have a right to insult someone? And why are you somehow mashing together Capcom and what some random noname writer said on some UK game site? Who are they in this instance? You seem to have sunk to just aimlessly swinging at anyone who "dared" to defend a game that wasn't DMC4.

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