August Never Ends, But It Isn't The End

About comics, not GG, and doesn't say anything about the makeup of GG.

its the same basic culture war argument.

[here seems like a good rundown of those "gamers are dead articles." Bonus points because the person is Anti-GG to block

an example from the initial article:

"“Gamer” isn’t just a dated demographic label that most people increasingly prefer not to use. Gamers are over. That’s why they’re so mad. These obtuse shitslingers, these wailing hyper-consumers, these childish internet-arguers -- they are not my audience. They don’t have to be yours."

^ Looking at this in the context of the full article, and emphasising especially the quotation marks, it should be clear the reference is to the image of 'gamers' as traditionally viewed by marketing/society, not 'people who like games'.

aka "gamer as social identity of nerdy subculture with a history of being bullied/oppressed" is being attacked even if "gamer" has a wider definition of people who played video games (in our world which is more 21 jump street world than 80s high school cliche). Pre-gamergate I didn't really think the former still existed.

How about this compelation or [this one?}[]

a quote from a pro-GG person who seems to agree with the broad sociological anlysis behind those attacks

The point is, nerds never wanted to “win”. The ascendancy of their subculture is a horrifying development for most of them. They grew up being marginalized by the in-crowd. They found interests and a common ground with the rest of the persecuted non-alpha class and they were relieved to never again have to be bullied around and to find a social subculture in which they could express themselves freely and, shockingly, even become admired by their peers. Like, really admired. Socially admired, not just admired by their parents and upstanding grown-ups in their community after receiving another scholarship or citizenship award.

And now here come the alphas to take this from them, as well as their eighth grade lunch money. They aren’t undermining themselves; they are sabotaging the movement. I see so many people throwing their hands up and wondering why these guys are behaving so beastly, and if you take five minutes and realize how they got where they are, then you could see where they’re going.

Gamergate or proto-gamergate is just loozer (white) males reacting to encroachment on their "safe space" is a constant theme of those gamers are dead stuff.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread Parent