"Anti-GamerGate isn't organized and/or isn't a group."

Okay, lurker is going to go ham on this.

What's you're point? What are you trying to achieve? Do you think that by pointing this out all the people who think all the people who think GG is shit are going to go, "Oh my God! We are a group! We were wrong the whole time! GG is a righteous and noble movement of brave souls! All the bad stuff they were accused of is clearly the work of third party trolls and the evil SJW media conspiracy against them. All hail GG! Let us now join forces and bring down Sarkeesian!"

Yeah sorry not going to happen. I heard about this GG thing, checked it out, decided for myself it was shit. I still think it's shit, even if some of the people who agree with me on that fact are also shit.

I've actually meet a Gator in real life. Ended up with him for a partner in a school project. Nice guy, wish no ill will on him. He learned I was "anti" by happenstance, I learned he was "pro", we had a debate, a nice friendly human one. Know what, his argument was shit. Still think GG is shit, even after having a human face slapped on it.

Here's the thing Gators, GG is a movement, a movement I think is shitty. That doesn't mean YOU'RE shitty or that you're responsible for 100% of all the shit that comes from it. But you voluntarily decided to associate with with a movement which is more than kind of shit, means either A) you're willfully ignorant of the shit, or... B) You secretly kind of sympathize with the shitty elements of the movement. Either way it paints my opinion of you in a somewhat negative light.

As for anti-GG being a group. I don't know, maybe it is. I still think GG sucks, I still sometimes have a good laugh at the stupidity of the movement with other people who share my negative view of it. If there is an "anti-GG movement" that's as shit as GamerGate than fuck them! But I still think GG is fucking shit, so call me an Anti and have a nice fucking day.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread