Online Christians and Atheists vs. Offline Christians and Atheist

Collectively antagonizing an entire group based on the behavior of a few ducks? I mean yeah, I can see where you're coming from with the atheist community being turned on its head; hence why I left a majority of the groups I as in, but Jesus fucking Christ do you sound like the bastards you mock:

You're basically ranting about how people are assholes because they don't share your worldview: I've met both terrible and good atheists and christians alike, and could very well pull the same crap to justify calling all theists Yada Yada , such and such, etc, but I don't, because I know people are different.

Mate, I'm an anti-theist, but ya don't see me bullying believers for stupid reasons. It's that stereotype that leads to the bad defamation of atheists. Are there assholes who just wanna fuck with people for their beliefs? Sure, but there are also assholes who just wanna spread their religion, and treat you like shit if you don't buy into it.

What's important is that you don't generalize people for what they believe( or don't for that matter).

Besides, of course us evil atheists wouldnt try and debate in public: considering that we're one of the most distrusted minorities in the god damn world, evinced by your attitudes towards them. People can lose relationships, their jobs, community support, and even be harassed simply because they don't share the same faith.

But you'd probably just call that proselytizing... whatever, I'm not here to support any agenda (don't even know what agenda were allegedly supporting anyhow) but don't judge people just because you met some bad example of an asshole.

/r/self Thread