Open SUSE or Manjaro and why? (These two only)

Lol... I only tried Manjaro a long time ago, back when I used Arch it was with Antergos or Architect installers, and all I know about Manjaro are the rumors, but damn, reading some posts on that archived thread, I have to seriously recommend OP to choose Tumbleweed (if they don't want straight Arch).

Just a couple "pearls" from the archived thread

Every Rolling Release distro requires hands on, RTFM, and of course using the Forums.

Lol... It absolutely does not. In openSUSE, the most it can happen, if ever, is you revert to a previous snapshot.

The problem is attitudes of users who expect Manjaro to be a set and forget OS, blindly applying updates with no idea what is being done or the best way to apply them. Another example of why Manjaro specfically, and rolling distros generally, is not really suited to Linux novices.

I never read anything before updating, I don't need to wait for the weekend to update, I don't even keep up with openQA. I just blindly trust whatever the openSUSE release team decides to is ready to ship. There are a couple reasons why Tumbleweed is not ideal for novices but being rolling is not necessarily one of them.


Delays package updates for 'testing' and yet still completely breaks with a regular update.

Meanwhile in openSUSE, you are advised to keep yourself always in the latest available updates rather than delaying or holding snapshots (read the whole thread, it's interesting).

/r/kde Thread Parent