Orlando Victims called "faggots"

ScionSjill actually has been downvoted for his/her views quite severely recently in this sub. This has demonstrated that people in this sub don't view the mods' word as some sort of divine will, but as just another opinion that they can choose to agree or disagree with.

Banning me would be an easy way to have his narrative be the only one people see. Something that mods do quite frequently. And no, you don't see the mods word as divine will. No one ever said that. But it is common on these kinds of circle jerk subreddits for people to downvote whoever's downvoted, and upvote whoever's upvotes. Hence everyone taking that guy who followed me here's side even though (based on your logic that is) he is a certifiable bigot. You people just take everything at face value.

Do you actually think that the word "cunt" (or the word "dick", for that matter) has the same amount of severity behind it as does the word, faggot?

Do you realize that countless [women] have been assaulted while "cunt"] has been shouted at them? I'm guessing it doesn't matter to you since you "personally" (and wrongly) don't see it as something offensive.

FTFY. See I can do it to. Somehow I am not allowed to choose the heiarchy of which slurs are more offensive. But somehow you are.

It doesn't matter whether or not you said a slur on this page or any other, we still hold you accountable for the slurs that you use. It makes no difference. I doubt ScionSjill will ban you for being the asshole that you are, he/she will just ridicule the fuck out of you. And deservedly so.

As a hypocrite. I don't care or respect him or whatever bullshit pours out of his mouth.

As if your the judge of who deserves to be ridiculed. Why don't you take that stick out of your greasy ass, keyboard warrior?

/r/ShitRConservativeSays Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com