Paul Stamets Stack (Lion's Mane, Niacin & Psilocybin) as a potential treatment for hyperacusis

Not if you focus consume enough erinacines, which recent research shows is likely to be multiple-fold more potent (5x+) than herinacerones. Keep in mind, erinacines are only found in the mycelium of lion's mane, and is non-existent in the fruiting body - the fruiting body composes of the herinacerones.

Unfortunately, mostly all current lion's mane mycelium products consist of a lot of biomass, which isn't probably necessarily a bad thing, but you don't know how much pure mycelium you're consuming. According to various research papers I came across, pure, liquid-grown mycelium, if grown with perfect substrate and nutrient broth, will consist of around 3-5% erinacines. So, 30-50mg per 1g of pure mycelium.

Paul's stack recommends 50-200mg of hericenones/erinacines. Since recent studies may be suggesting erinacines are much more potent, 50mg of erinacines a day may be sufficient, however consuming mycelium along with the fruiting body extract may provide synergistic, compounded effects - not sure if any research has been done on this.

Anyways, I'm 31, and since supplementing with pure mycelium alcohol extract, my mind has reached levels of clarity and balance that I thought wouldn't have been possible. I feel clearer and healthier in the mind than when I was 21, by far. Mycelium, especially pure mycelium, IMO, is where it's at.

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