What's up with most Indian women on Tinder?

(1) it's nt that women dont know how to engage conversation. They atleast can lead on a man in convo if they want. What you're seeing is simply women (esp a hot woman) having her pick of the litter. She doesnt have to engage. She could just be having fun seeing u be the joker entertaining her.

(2) gender economics favor women. Even a 5 will get 3-4 guys to bang her if she held a placard. Not the other way.

(3) women enjoys attention. Man's asset is his time so if he giving it free without getting anything in return(sex) why would a woman not want more of that? Think of the situation reversed . If every girl wanted to give you her pussy but not trouble u with committment u'd never say no to anyone .

We cant do anything about this. But we do have a friend - time.

/r/Indiangirlsontinder Thread