Migraines & H?

I never had migraines, only tension headaches for the first few months which went away on their own. Never had neck pain but had severe neck tension and an SCM that just wouldnt relax on the side exposed to the acoustic trauma. I also had what felt like a broken tensor tympani muscle in my ear or something spasming and stuck or forever tense in my ear. Had all this for about 15 months.

I believe the acoustic trauma just caused the tensor tympani to spasm and eventually this pulled the whole chain up, tensed everything it innervated in the neck, the jaw, and the ear. Had problems with all three. Just another symptom of sensitization I believe.

I started seeing improvements to sound with the steps described in my link above, but about three months into it, after pain H and loudness H had improved a lot, I still had the tension problems, though to a lesser degree.

So I started to do a physical approach with this, fixing posture, lots of walking in the park, lots of looking around while walking because hiding from sounds in my room kept me looking straight forward at a computer screen for so long, stretching arms upwards, working on stretching back muscles by standing against a wall making sure I was flat against it and slowly raising arms above my head while trying to keep arms close to wall while at my sides like this.

I started seeing improvements with neck tension about three months into this, then I started this exercise (for those who do have jaw problems reading this) for my jaw problems and my jaw issues and the stuck feeling in my right ear went away (jaw issues still come back if I slack on the posture but ear stuck/broken tensor tympani feeling is gone.)

Just everything to retrain the muscles and stretch them, while desensitizing to sounds to get them to relax. I'm not sure what exactly made the neck issues go away but it certainly wasn't time. After a year of no improvements, it lessened with desensitization approaches and went completely away after starting the exercises. Exercises may have had nothing to do with it since I was desensitizing the entire time as well. So difficult to say, but I do believe jaw and ear tension issue was improved by the jaw exercise.

What also may have helped was calming the nervous system. I was no longer scared about my future like before, I had hope, sounds weren't bothering me as much. I could walk in stores again without earmuffs, take showers, etc. So this probably relaxed everything over time.

I'm 90% better. Talking/chewing is most of that 10%.External sounds, which were my biggest issues, are mostly ok now. Just slight discomfort but not outright pain and loudness has come down as well.

I can talk for 30 minutes or so but the loudness issue and slight discomfort remain, and I worry that it will lead into focusing on "wow this is so loud", which I know will inevitably ruin the progress I've made since that progress came from taking focus off the ears.

So I mostly avoid any longer than 30 minutes at a time or only talk when in the park or in public where its drowned out by external sounds, which I can handle now. Im still taking baby steps with this, which I strongly believe is important to maintain progress and keep moving forward.

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