% of people aged 15 - 30 who say they can read & write in at least one foreign language

Yes I’m a socialist, and am also against identity-based politics, however this doesn’t extent to class identities insofar as classes can still be said to exist - and if you re-read what I said, I’m not furthering an ‘Us vs Them’ angle, I’m saying that at core, ‘chav’ and similar words are a powerful bourgeois weapon of class shaming and repression. I think it’s in one Rupa Huq’s books that he says that one of the most valuable exports of the UK is it’s efficient class subjugation. I’m not about identity politics, I am all for class consciousness and not writing off all anti-establishment/capitalism wills of the UK youth because they are ‘chavs’...

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it