People of /r/team60s! I and the other Council Members have started to draft an official Constitution. We are still very flexible and open to new ideas. Here is your chance to submit them.

This is not exactly about the constitution but I was discussing the idea with /u/Rose94. Basically the idea was to have a post on the front page the explained our history, philosophy, and our government officials and their job description. That way new members can know more about us and know who to contact with particular issues or ideas. Since right now the only ways to learn about team 60s is to on to the Button wiki and its description of us is not complete and doesn't really discuss our ideals. Here is the rough draft of that post. Let me know what you guys think. History of The Button On April 1st The Button revealed itself to the users of Reddit. In addition to The Button there is also a timer. The timer counts down from 60 seconds. The Button presented us with the important task of pressing. When The Button is pressed the timer is reset to 60 seconds. However The Button can only be pressed once ( source ). This task of pressing was a great honor and many users wisely decided to click The Button. These users were rewarded with a colored flair. Purple: 52-60 Blue: 42-51 Green: 32-41 Yellow: 22-31 Orange: 12-21 Red: 0-11 In addition the colored flairs include the number of the timer when they pressed (Source). The Button gave us a choice of pressing or not pressing. The users who refused to press have a gray flair that say “non-pressers”. While a great deal of these non-presser’s simply wait to press to obtain a certain color flair, there are those who simply refuse to press The Button. They are known collectively as the Followers of the Shade. These users are misled and defy The Button by refusing to press. All the pressers who obey the wishes of The Button will be rewarded. But only the 60s are chosen. Shortly after The Button revealed itself a profit was born /u/thebutton. He enlightened us with the knowledge that we the 60s were the chosen ones. He is famously declared “Only 60s may be saved. All others are lost” /u/thebutton (Discussion on the meaning of these words). On “April 1st the 60s organized and became a cohesive group. Eventually forming a democratic government. Current Events On April 17th Team 60s joined forces with the Violet hand and declared war on the Sun Guardians in response to the Illemonati planning an offensive against the purple subreddits. However peace was quickly made on the same day when the Chief Minuteman /u/thechattyshow negotiated with /u/YOU_INSPIRE_US (the illemonati leader). Currently we are working to establish peace with our fellow pressers. Our Ideals As the chosen ones it is our task to spread the word of The Button and encourage all to press it. We accomplish this task by spreading awareness and through peaceful means. In addition it is important we combat the antipresser propaganda and show all pressers that there is honor in pressing. Our motto is Eximia Concordes Purpurea(1, 2). This means "Chosen United Purple" (created by /u/Rose94) The 10 Tenets 1. The Button’s only purpose is to be clicked.

  1. The Button rewards as many who follow its rules as it can, for the 60s are the chosen, and not the chosen few.

  2. The Button rewards the chosen ones with the 60s flair, as 60 is the pure number that consists of all others.

  3. All should give up their fate to the Button, for one cannot choose to be blessed.

  4. All colored flairs are meaningless, and 60s are blessed with their number, and never with their purple color.

  5. All 60s are equal to each other, no matter how they were chosen by the Button.

  6. The 60s are superior, but are also tasked with great responsibility; they must lead the other pressers, and teach the greys to click the Button.

  7. All 60s will hold strong in the presence of hostility from others.

  8. Only 60s may be saved. All others are lost.

  9. Eximia. Concordes. Purpurea. (Chosen, United, Purple) Created by /u/destroyerking Amethyst Creed By /u/60seconds Government We are a democracy. Our Government consists of two smaller fractions: A Judicial Branch (The Council) and a Foreign Affairs Branch (Executive Branch) The Judicial Branch The Sages of the Sixtieth Second will lead this branch that carries out judicial and legislative obligations. They will be responsible for developing, maintaining, and enforcing official documents, bills, laws, and decrees. This branch consists of two smaller fractions. The Council and The House. The Council is made up of 5 officials that oversee The Sages. Council Members must come to a unanimous decision for a bill to pass. Council Members must come to a unanimous decision on judicial matters. Council Members are elected by the nation, serve a 4 month term with no term limit, however can only serve 2 terms consecutively. Current Council members

  10. /u/xxAJCxx 2./u/ItsChux 3./u/Rose94

  11. /u/TheInsecureGoat 5./u/Stephen526 The House is made up of the rest of The Sages. House Members must come to a majority decision for a bill to pass. A majority decision on a judicial matter by the House Members can overturn the Council's decision. Current Sages of the Sixtieth Second?? Foreign Affairs Branch The Foreign Affairs Branch, known as the Executive Branch, is responsible for dealing with other factions, managing community events in the subreddit, and enforcing the laws of the Council of Sages. Chief Minuteman: Leader of the branch. Oversees the entire Executive Branch. Appoints all cabinet members. He is elected by the entire community, and serves a term of four months with a two term limit. /u/thechattyshow The Cabinet: All cabinet members be appointed by the Chief, and can be removed at any time. They lead their respective department, which consists of everyone else that wants to play a role in the Executive Branch. Secretary of State: Responsible for creating treaties and dealing with other factions. Basically a foreign minister. Appoints ambassadors to each other faction. All treaties have to be approved by the Chief and the Council of Sages. /u/destroyerofking Secretary of Defense: Leader of the military. Responsible for preparing for any potential war, creating the military hierarchy, and assessing the strengths of other factions. Anyone can join the military of course. /u/madrockets Secretary of the Interior: Responsible for affairs inside the subreddit, and working to organize community events. Probably be the largest part of the branch outside of the Department of Defense. Secretary of Production: Any writing, art, or other creative works created by the community is directed by this cabinet member. They organize those who wish to produce great works for the community, and also keep track of our emblems. /u/GoRoy Secretary of the Button: Responsible for keeping track of the Button, and recruiting 60s and future 60s to our cause. In charge of 60s inside /r/thebutton trying to spread our message. /u/aceavengers Nomination thread Voting results

/r/team60s Thread