“A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So, he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions.” - Alan Watts

The idea that someone has to stop thinking to experience the silence your talking about is inaccurate and misleading.

There must be an understanding of thought, which means a breaking down of it. But that has nothing to do with a somebody stopping thought.

Someone who thinks all the time has no inward space. For there to be space there must be an understanding of my conditioning. When there is awareness from moment to moment of what is, instead of an i center dictating behavior, there is silence or whatever name you want to put.

If there is anyone EXPIERIENCING this silence, it's phony. You cant experience it. Experience is of the past, dead, it's a play thing of the mind. It's the process of your mind reacting to the now based on the past.

/r/AlanWatts Thread