So what's pissing you off today?

Well.. To begin it all I've been having a bad month. I was working 67 hours each week for three weeks to take my boyfriend to the beach because he was annoyed with his family and wanted to get away... So I didn't see him for 3 weeks because I was working like crazy.. Then he bailed on me... The last day.. Then the last text message I got from him was "I love you, I hate you" and then he ignored me for 5 days and I didn't know why... So I blow up his phone and emailed him and the 5th day I tried calling him and he forward my call again for the millionth time. And he messaged me to stop texting and calling him...then I asked why are you ignoring me..? What have I done? I thought we were okay... And then he replied "hahaha.. We were never okay." ...... After 5 years.... We were never okay? And you're just going to ignore me like that? After all I've been trying to do for you... I'm literally broken.. People keep telling me to move on but its not easy...and at the end I found out that he was cheating on me with his best friend... But why?!? I gave him most of the things he wanted.. I literally didn't talk to no one but him.. Because he was so jealous and I respected him... He didn't like who I worked with because he was jealous so I moved and now drive 40 minutes just to get to my job... For him.. But he left me with no answers... And I've been so depressed. I just wish that after 5 years he would have had the audacity to tell me what I did wrong.. Or break up with me... Not just ignore me and expect me to figure it out. Its been a horrible fucking week.. And then to top it all off they called me from my sisters school and so I go and the nurse tells me she's pregnant... She's only 16. Wtf?!?! I don't even know....

/r/AskReddit Thread